Yesterday I played in a 3 games, 1999 point maximum, rogue trader event at a local shop.
I brought: 1997 Points
305 pt. Daemon Prince with the Black Mace
3 squads of 26 Zombies
3 Squads of 7 Plague Marines with Power Fist, 2 Plasma Guns
3 Squads of 2 Obliterators
On the whole, I thought it was a fairly solid list. It's main deficit was a lack of fast attack, but I simply did not have the models.
I forgot Typhus at home but was able to borrow a stand in from one of the guys there. It was a sign of things to come.
Round One Vs. "Dark Angles"
"Dark Angles" because it was a vanilla army using the latest and greatest rules.
He fielded:
3 Land Raider Crusaders with a Storm of Wrath Banner, and a generator that gave every unit with-in XYZ distance a 4+ Inv. Save
A tech priest
A couple of HQ
Tactical Squads
A flier
and he was allied with Imperial Guard:
Command squad so he didn't scatter when he deep stuck
A Manticore (? Giant Missile Tank)
Basically... he turtled in his raiders with his 4+ Inv Save, hid his Manticore behind the raiders and shot me to pieces. I was able to kill Brambo. Major Defeat.
High point of the match. I was able to deepstrike my prince in on turn 2, with no scatter. He took one wound from his flier the turn he came in. On the top of 3 I decided to ignore the imperial command squad and combat squad with bolters (sitting 6" away) and try to take out a land raider. I failed my charge. The next round the combined command squad - combat squad did 3 wounds to the prince. I rolled a '1', '1', '2'. The prince dies to las rifle fire. *sigh*
Round Two Vs. Space Wolves
He fielded:
Logan + Squad of Terminators - Drop Pod
Njall + Ajax + Squad of Terminators - Drop Pod
A Grey Hunter Pack - Drop Pod
A Grey Hunter Pack led by a Terminator
A Blood Claw Pack led by a Terminator
I thought I had a chance with this, because of the low model count.
Round 1 - Njall casts "Jaws of the World Wolf" and swallows Typhus"
Round 2 - Ajax challenges the Daemon Prince and kills him.
I was able to bog Logan down and killed off his terminator squad and put 2 wounds on him.
Killed the Terminator - Grey Hunter Pack
Killed the Terminator - and all but one of the Blood Claw Pack
Ran out of time.
Major Defeat.
Round Three Vs. Daemon Hunters
I'm not as familiar with Daemon Hunters...
Named Character - Terminator (Drago ?)
Librarian - Terminator
Paladin Terminators 2 squads
Paladins on foot 1 squad
Paladins in Razorback 1 squad
Destroyed Razorback
Killed all but 1 of mounted Paladin Squad
Killed all but 1 of 'on foot' Paladin Squad
Killed Librarian and his Terminator Squad
Drago (?) and his terminator squad were able to make a last ditch effort and snag the major objective at the end of the game.
All in all a pretty frustrating day.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
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