Monday, April 5, 2021

Starting Battle Damage

 This project is really starting to move along now. 

I've finished the yellow, put a couple of coats of red on the stripes, and blacked out the wheels. 

I've decided to start adding more battle damage by showing the grey primer. 

Get Your Paint on!

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Update on Battlewagon

 I've gotten most of the mid-tone yellow done and worked in the racing stripes. 

Now it's top yellow... and then maybe battle damage?  We'll see. 

Get Your Paint On!

Sunday, March 28, 2021

 I was working along, doing my day job when I heard a faint whisper. . . 

"... racing striiiiipes..." 

"... racing striiiipes..."

"I need racing striiiiipes..." 

And so here we are... :D

Get your paint on!

Sunday, March 21, 2021

50/50 Start

 Starting to add the depth layer, it adds some strength to the yellow mid-tone I put down. 

So far I've added a thin 50/50 layer of Averand Sunset and Vallejo Flat Yellow to the wheels, guards hanging over the back tracks and started on the side paneling.  The yellow color looks a bit "smoother" and just a touch brighter.  It's a subtle add, and I will do the entire tank.  

After this 50/50 layer I will do another thin layer with only Vallejo Flat Yellow in certain locations to make the paint pop.... but one thing at a time...

I building up layers of "age" concentrated in hard to reach / clean places.  After all.... these vehicles are maintained by small, spiteful, little jerks who will do just enough to avoid being beaten or worse. 

Get your paint on!

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Back in the saddle again...

 After months of not really painting anything, due (mostly) to a return to work.  I have finally begun to carve out some time for me.  

I have picked up the Battle Wagon again and I'm making progress with the 'mid-tone'. 

Almost done with the mid tone, this show the transition area from the base coat with wash (right side) and the mid tone over it.  It's a bit rough still, but it's early days.