Thursday, June 30, 2016


Yay!  Fatties are done!

Now on to the runners...

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Zombicide - Abomination

Super fun to paint.  I'll pick away at some "Fatties" while I work on my Plague drake.

He smashed through a plate glass window... lol

Drake Progress - Oxidation

Some more progress on the Plague Drake.  I've started adding oxidation.  I've gone pretty heavy at first, I think I will tone it down a bit ... it's a WIP.

Oxidation done with Game Workshop's "Nihilakah Oxide".  I used to mix my own oxide.. it's nice that I have a consistent product now.  Thanks GW.


Friday, June 24, 2016

Drake Progress - Start of Rust Work

Some progress on the drake.
He his is with the beginnings of his rust / oxidation.

There's still a lot more to do and I'll probably have to do a 'clean up' of the undamaged armor when I'm done.. but... so far.. progress!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


Yup... really starting to make some headway on this Plague . . . . OH LOOK.. Zombicide Minis that I never painted!!!!

Focus Man!  FOCUS!

Back to the Plague Drake

School's OUT!

All teachers rejoice!

Ok, I'm back to working on my Plague Drake.
I've been working on the brass trim.
So far I'm just laying down basic pigment, next will be to add some corrosion.

It's still early days, but it's coming along nicely.