Saturday, August 22, 2020

Battlewagon Started!

 The Battlewagon is primed (black), basecoated (Averland Sunset) and washed (Agrax Earthshade).

This provides a good "base color" for the model.  Now I will go back and start layering Averland Sunset to try to build up the yellow color but also to leave some dingy / dirty areas where dirt/dust/grease/grime has accumulated.  

Also, start working on the crew. 

On a side note, I cleaned my work space and put down new brown paper... really treated myself. 

Get Your Paint On!

Monday, August 17, 2020

Fuel Canisters Done!!!

 Done!  These were a blast to make and paint.  I may make more. 

All Four.

#1 Front
#1 Back

#2 Front
#2 Back

#3 Front
#3 Back

#4 Front
#4 Back

Ork Dreadnaught for scale!

Next up... Ork Battle Wagon!!!!

Get Your Paint On!!

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Massive Darkness Goblins Finished!

 Here they are!

16 rusty armored hand to hand goblins ready to rip to "make a maggot hold in you!"
Fun to paint and to finish.  Next I'm going to work on finishing my Warhammer 40K Ork Battle Wagon, which has sat primed and base coated on my paint table for years!  

Also, I've been making strong work on my Fuel Canister scenery.. look for that to be finished in the next couple of days!

Get Your Paint On!

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Massive Darkness Goblins Update

I've been picking away at my Massive Darkness Hand to Hand Goblins.  They are coming along nicely. 
I high lighted the goblin Flesh with Army Painter Snake Scales and then gave these areas a wash with Citadel Biel Tan Green. 

I'm fairly pleased with the overall affect.  I may go back and add small touches of Snake Scales to where the Biel Tan Green may have pooled, but overall, it is pretty good.  
Next, on to the robes!

Get Your Paint On!

Other Projects.

In addition to the Massive Darkness Goblins I have been creating and slowly working on some terrain pieces. 

The first is another shrine using a model I received in a swag bag from 2010 Adepticon.
I was also inspired by this physical canister... although you could claim that the contents inspired me as well.. 

In order to create these fuel depo canisters. 

I've also been constructing some buildings. 

Aaand, last but not least I've been playing around with making a chaos icon objective. 
I used my kids Crayola Air Dry clay to fashion a chaos symbol that looked like it had been constructed out of stone blocks.

I then glued it to a piece of plastic card and built up a clay dam around it to create a casting station. 

Next I used Smooth On 2 part silicon to create a mold. 

Liberating the mold, pretty much destroyed my original. 
I then cast the chaos icon using Smooth On plastic resin. 

Next.  I'll clean it up a bit and see if I can make some sort of objective marker out of it.  If it works well, I will try to make 4; one for each of the major chaos gods. 

Get Your Paint On!

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Goblins Progress Continues

All of the Goblins now have rusty armor!

The armor was rusted by dry brushing with Model Color Chocolate Brown (#872), followed by Citadel Dry Ryza Rust, and finished by dry brushing / edging with Army Painter Gun Metal. 

Next I am going to touch up the skin and brighten the color up a bit / add some skin detail. 

Get Your Paint On!