Sunday, February 10, 2013


Yesterday I played in a 3 games, 1999 point maximum, rogue trader event at a local shop.

I brought: 1997 Points
305 pt. Daemon Prince with the Black Mace
3 squads of 26 Zombies
3 Squads of 7 Plague Marines with Power Fist, 2 Plasma Guns
3 Squads of 2 Obliterators

On the whole, I thought it was a fairly solid list.  It's main deficit was a lack of fast attack, but I simply did not have the models.

I forgot Typhus at home but was able to borrow a stand in from one of the guys there.  It was a sign of things to come.

Round One Vs. "Dark Angles"
"Dark Angles" because it was a vanilla army using the latest and greatest rules.
He fielded:
3 Land Raider Crusaders with a Storm of Wrath Banner, and a generator that gave every unit with-in XYZ distance a 4+ Inv. Save
A tech priest
A couple of HQ
Tactical Squads
A flier
and he was allied with Imperial Guard:
Command squad so he didn't scatter when he deep stuck
A Manticore (? Giant Missile Tank)

Basically... he turtled in his raiders with his 4+ Inv Save, hid his Manticore behind the raiders and shot me to pieces.  I was able to kill Brambo.  Major Defeat.

High point of the match.  I was able to deepstrike my prince in on turn 2, with no scatter.  He took one wound from his flier the turn he came in.  On the top of 3 I decided to ignore the imperial command squad and combat squad with bolters (sitting 6" away) and try to take out a land raider.  I failed my charge.  The next round the combined command squad - combat squad did 3 wounds to the prince.  I rolled a '1', '1', '2'.  The prince dies to las rifle fire. *sigh*

Round Two Vs. Space Wolves
He  fielded:
Logan + Squad of Terminators - Drop Pod
Njall + Ajax + Squad of Terminators - Drop Pod
A Grey Hunter Pack - Drop Pod
A Grey Hunter Pack led by a Terminator
A Blood Claw Pack led by a Terminator

I thought I had a chance with this, because of the low model count.
Round 1 - Njall casts "Jaws of the World Wolf" and swallows Typhus"
Round 2 - Ajax challenges the Daemon Prince and kills him.
I was able to bog Logan down and killed off his terminator squad and put 2 wounds on him.
Killed the Terminator - Grey Hunter Pack
Killed the Terminator - and all but one of the Blood Claw Pack
Ran out of time.
Major Defeat.

Round Three Vs. Daemon Hunters
I'm not as familiar with Daemon Hunters...
Named Character - Terminator (Drago ?)
Librarian - Terminator
Paladin Terminators 2 squads
Paladins on foot 1 squad
Paladins in Razorback 1 squad

Destroyed Razorback
Killed all but 1 of mounted Paladin Squad
Killed all but 1 of 'on foot' Paladin Squad
Killed Librarian and his Terminator Squad

Drago (?) and his terminator squad were able to make a last ditch effort and snag the major objective at the end of the game.


All in all a pretty frustrating day.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Zombie Close Ups

Here's a few glamour shots... so to speak.
**  **
A lot of my images got corrupted somehow... I'm in the process of fixing it.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Let the galaxy burn . . . or in this case rot!

79 Zombies assembled, painted, flocked and ready to rampage across the 41st millennium!   One zombies didn't make it...  I found his primed, broken, twisted form in the garaged about a week ago.  *shrug* 
I'll try to get an in focus shot of 5 or so in a bit.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Small update.
The zombies are coming along nicely.  I am in the process of adding a rust color to all of the guns, exposed armor pieces and little bits of metal found here and there.  No pics.  It's not pic worthy.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Progress!  80 Zombies dipped and drying after a quick bath in Army Painter Quick Shade Dark Tone.

They are pretty glossy right now, but I can fix that.
Overall I'm fairly pleased with the dip.  You can quickly and fairly easily shade hoards of zombies (took about an hour to do 80 zombies) with fairly minimal effort.

 It makes a hell of a mess though.  If you end up trying this I highly recommend wearing latex gloves, spreading copious amounts of news paper and having paint thinner on hand.  I accidentally dropped a total of 4 models into this dark viscous goo....

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


This past weekend I spent several hours teaching my nephews how to play 40k.
I had a great time (and I believe so did they) and it has inspired me to try to be more active with this blog.

The Ork bike I was working on is done.. and has been for quite some time.

Current project is about 80 Zombies for my Chaos Space Marine Army.  The models are the Mantic Z-Corps kit, which is basically a combination of their troopers, zombie, and ghoul kit.  A little bit more work to assemble than I would have like but the product is coming out well.

I wanted them to look like the remains of a planetary defense force (PDF) from the Ultramar system.  I have a thing against Ultramarines.... I'm not exactly sure why.