Friday, May 29, 2020

Massive Darkness : Next Project

Next I am going to finish off all the barbarians that came with the Massive Darkness game. 
I did a test case with about 7 of them about a week ago.  ±

Here is the rest of them primed grey and base coated brown. 

Next up a brown wash and begin to add flesh detail. 
Get your paint on!

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Massive Darkness - Assassins

Just a quick update.  I slammed out these assassin models.

They are assassins.. so.. mostly black.  Pretty easy to slam out. 
Get your paint on!

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Massive Darkness "Valkyrie Models"

Finished four more heroes from the Massive Darkness game.

I wanted to do a Gauntlet tribute, so I painted them as Red Warrior,Yellow Wizard... Blue Valkyrie
next.. is green elf!
Get your paint on!

Friday, May 22, 2020

Massive Darkness Barbarians DONE!

Woo Hoo!  I'm digging the way these guys came out!
Great models and super fun / rewarding to paint.
For basing I decided to go with a snowy theme.  I know it may not "fit" in a dungeon, however I thought it tied in nicely with the white wolf pelts I gave them and it allows me to field them as "thrall warriors" for my Space Wolf army, if I was so inspired.  All in all, a great diversion.

Next up... maybe I'll prime up the rest of the barbarians and finish up some heroes!  
Get your paint on!

Monday, May 18, 2020

Massive Darkness - Barbarians

A little work in progress.
I'm still taking a little beak from YELLOW and doing a small side project.
These are great models and I am enjoying painting them.

In other news, I got my new Studio XLWet Pallet today from Redgrass games.  So far I am loving it!

Thursday, May 14, 2020


Small change of pace to keep it real.
I painted up the treasure chests that came with my Massive Darkness game.
Good stuff.

Get your paint on!

Monday, May 11, 2020

Kustom Plasma Kannon Too

Here is the second one!

This give me 5 Mek Guns and 3 Big Gunz. 
I'm out of these models now, so I am moving on to other things on my painting table. 
Get your paint on!

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Kustom Plasma Kannon

Finished another gun.  I feel like most of this came from a Truk kit bash.
The wheels and axel definitely are from the Trik kit.
The side and front plates are Truk parts.
The gun is sitting on an engine block.
The Kustom Plasma Kannon Gun part came from the Burna Bomba kit.
I've got another one on the paint bench, about 75% done.

Stay Healthy!
Get your paint on!

Friday, May 1, 2020

Zap! Bang! Pow!

Finished off another Mek Bun.
Built this one from spare parts from the Mek Gun kit and parts from a Truk kit.

And the targeting computer in the back. 

Two more to go!
Get your paint on!