Friday, May 29, 2015

New Project - Morkanaut

Started building a Morkanaut for my Ork army.
I've done the basic construction and laid down the base color.
I'm going to paint it in several sub-assemblies and then assemble it all at the end.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Deff Speederz DONE!

Phew!  Long project that I have been picking away at for months.
The speeders themselves were done about 3 weeks ago, but it took longer than I thought to receive the bases from Dragonforge.  Dragonforge is a great copany and does great work but essentially there is only so much he can do in a day.

Here are the finished Deff Speederz!
There are 6 different speederz, each one has it's own custom markings and identifying glyph.

Mek Speeder

King Speeder

 Double Down Speeder

Big Blast Speeder

Lightning Speeder

Dagger Speeder

The Whole Mob

Deff Speederz compared to GW AoBR Deff Koptas

The Deff Speederz are a little big but... I like the way they came out.