Saturday, August 22, 2020

Battlewagon Started!

 The Battlewagon is primed (black), basecoated (Averland Sunset) and washed (Agrax Earthshade).

This provides a good "base color" for the model.  Now I will go back and start layering Averland Sunset to try to build up the yellow color but also to leave some dingy / dirty areas where dirt/dust/grease/grime has accumulated.  

Also, start working on the crew. 

On a side note, I cleaned my work space and put down new brown paper... really treated myself. 

Get Your Paint On!

Monday, August 17, 2020

Fuel Canisters Done!!!

 Done!  These were a blast to make and paint.  I may make more. 

All Four.

#1 Front
#1 Back

#2 Front
#2 Back

#3 Front
#3 Back

#4 Front
#4 Back

Ork Dreadnaught for scale!

Next up... Ork Battle Wagon!!!!

Get Your Paint On!!

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Massive Darkness Goblins Finished!

 Here they are!

16 rusty armored hand to hand goblins ready to rip to "make a maggot hold in you!"
Fun to paint and to finish.  Next I'm going to work on finishing my Warhammer 40K Ork Battle Wagon, which has sat primed and base coated on my paint table for years!  

Also, I've been making strong work on my Fuel Canister scenery.. look for that to be finished in the next couple of days!

Get Your Paint On!

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Massive Darkness Goblins Update

I've been picking away at my Massive Darkness Hand to Hand Goblins.  They are coming along nicely. 
I high lighted the goblin Flesh with Army Painter Snake Scales and then gave these areas a wash with Citadel Biel Tan Green. 

I'm fairly pleased with the overall affect.  I may go back and add small touches of Snake Scales to where the Biel Tan Green may have pooled, but overall, it is pretty good.  
Next, on to the robes!

Get Your Paint On!

Other Projects.

In addition to the Massive Darkness Goblins I have been creating and slowly working on some terrain pieces. 

The first is another shrine using a model I received in a swag bag from 2010 Adepticon.
I was also inspired by this physical canister... although you could claim that the contents inspired me as well.. 

In order to create these fuel depo canisters. 

I've also been constructing some buildings. 

Aaand, last but not least I've been playing around with making a chaos icon objective. 
I used my kids Crayola Air Dry clay to fashion a chaos symbol that looked like it had been constructed out of stone blocks.

I then glued it to a piece of plastic card and built up a clay dam around it to create a casting station. 

Next I used Smooth On 2 part silicon to create a mold. 

Liberating the mold, pretty much destroyed my original. 
I then cast the chaos icon using Smooth On plastic resin. 

Next.  I'll clean it up a bit and see if I can make some sort of objective marker out of it.  If it works well, I will try to make 4; one for each of the major chaos gods. 

Get Your Paint On!

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Goblins Progress Continues

All of the Goblins now have rusty armor!

The armor was rusted by dry brushing with Model Color Chocolate Brown (#872), followed by Citadel Dry Ryza Rust, and finished by dry brushing / edging with Army Painter Gun Metal. 

Next I am going to touch up the skin and brighten the color up a bit / add some skin detail. 

Get Your Paint On!

Thursday, July 30, 2020

MAssive Darkness H2H Goblins - Progress

I started these guys with Citadel Foundation paint Knarloc Green for the flesh tones. 
I then applied Army Painter Gun Metal for their armor.  They have A LOT of armor for Goblins! 
I next washed the entire model with Citadel Shade Agrax Earthshade.  This gave a little more tone to the skin and provided som recess contrast for the armor.  

Next I am going to add some rust affect to all the armor, and then bring some of the edges back up with metal.  

More progress pics as I work along.

Get Your Paint On!

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Massive Darkness H2H Goblins!

Next up... 16 Massive Darkness Goblins!  
All Goblins are equipped with a cool sword and dagger, and have a shield on their back.  
I think I am going to paint them up in a "Night Goblin" theme.  

Get Your Paint On!

Adepticon 2010 Model - Imperial Shrine

Finished the shrine.  Fairly happy with it.  Some of the snow got a bit gloopy / thick and dried awkwardly, I'm looking at you front right corner. 
Overall, pretty fun and will make a nice objective in games of 40K once the COVID quarantine is lifted a bit more. 

Get Your Paint On!

Friday, July 24, 2020

Ork Burna' Bomba' DONE!!!

Whoo Hoo!  BIG project, but finally finished!
I'm pretty happy with the way it has come out.

Next up, finishing the Imperial Shrine I built out. 
Get Your Paint On!

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Side Task - Imperial Shrine

While I have been waiting for paint to dry, I raided my bitz box and found a free model from the 2010 Adepticon.  I don't play imperial lists, so I decided to make him into a shrine.

Complete with custom made candles...

And a scraggly old tree...

I may add some purity seals and maybe some prayer paper... I haven't decided.  But, if nothing else this is a fun distraction.

Get Your Paint On!

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Top Coat almost done!

I've got about another 30 minutes of painting to finish the top coat of color for the yellow, then a little touch up with straight flat yellow and the armor color will be done. 

Next... touch up some of the recesses with a wash and then move onto metals. 

The right side has mid-tone and the left is the "final" top color. 

Get Your Paint On!

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Mid-Tone Done!

Next up, a 50/50 mix of Valejo Flat Yellow and Averland Sunset, to slowly build up the depth of yellow color. 

Get your Paint On!

Monday, July 6, 2020

Mid-Tone Progress!

Been picking away at my Burna' Bombah.
So far my progress is: prime black, layer of Averalnd Sunset over the entire model, layer of Devlan Mud over the entire model, mid-tone with Averland Sunset, leaving the spaces between plates.  This also give the armor a 'worn' affect as the paint does not dry 100% evenly and shows some of the darker shaded color below.

Left Side = Averland Sunset + Devlan Mud     Right Side = Mid-tone of Averland Sunset

Get Your Paint On!

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Next Up!

In honor of the impending release of 9th edition for 40K... I am going to finish this Ork Burna' Bomber that has been languishing on my paint bench for .... years.... 

Get Your Paint On!

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Massive Darkness Barbarians DONE!


Next... Maybe finish my Ork Flier!

Get Your Paint On!

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Massive Darkness - Barbarian progress update

Slow and steady.  
Takes a little longer with more guys in the squad.  

The flesh, furs and metals are done.  Moving on to the fabric, leathers and touch up. 

Get your paint on!


Friday, May 29, 2020

Massive Darkness : Next Project

Next I am going to finish off all the barbarians that came with the Massive Darkness game. 
I did a test case with about 7 of them about a week ago.  ±

Here is the rest of them primed grey and base coated brown. 

Next up a brown wash and begin to add flesh detail. 
Get your paint on!

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Massive Darkness - Assassins

Just a quick update.  I slammed out these assassin models.

They are assassins.. so.. mostly black.  Pretty easy to slam out. 
Get your paint on!