Monday, August 24, 2015

Booby Trapped Objectives


Next up (time permitting) 'Targeting Relay'

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Back to work .... *hangs head*

So Monday is back to work for me; the school year starts back up again.
Summers are always my most productive times but I hope that I will continue to be able to post material over the coming school year.  I am going to try to still do a little hobby work each night but between lesson plans, grading and RL that time is at a minimum.

Here's to hoping I can make a little progress this weekend and have something more to share.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Plague Drake Progess

Continuing the work on my Plague Drake.
Yesterday I made some progress on the head and chest.

I found some of the armor bits I snipped off the head during the initial deconstruction and was able to marry them back onto the new exposed skull.  I trimmed back the white plastic card to accommodate the rescued pieces.

Green stuff work to fill gaps and add some connective tissue / diseased flesh.

Using a pair of snips I cut a huge hole in the chest of the Hell Drake.  
I had wanted to use the main chest piece form the zombie dragon model, but the radius of the rib cage was too large and I just couldn't make it work.  In the end, I used the side ribs from the zombi dragon.  the side ribs were still a little bit too big so I glued a piece of the broken armor back on to act as a central chest plate and after that had set went back and clipped the ribs to fit the area.  All in all, I think it works ok. 

Still a lot to do. 

Foreseeable Problem
How am I going to mount this bad boy on his base?

Big Mek Rusty Whotnotz

(well ... 99% done... I just noticed I hadn't rimmed the base yet.. )

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Order - Paint and Build (some more...)

As soon as the Hell Drake was released I (as a Nurgle Player) immediately wanted to make a "Plague Drake".  Finally... my back log of models has started to thin enough that I have gotten around to starting that project.

Concept Idea
Essentially I am looking to kit-bash these two kits.. and what ever I can find in my glorious bitz box.

I don't want to simply slap some zombie dragon parts on a Hell Drake and call it a day; I want to make the Hell Drake's armor look like it has corroded down to the skeleton below ...  

First thing I wanted to do was to upgrade the tail on the drake to something more substantial.  I replaced it with the tail from the Zombie Dragon and mounted the tail in the main exhaust port... a little green stuff and it fits in pretty well.

Next I started on the head.  As I mentioned I wanted to generate a corroded armor sort of feel.  I decided to build the normal Hell Drake Head and then cut away the armor and place in one of the skulls from the Zombie Dragon.  The Zombie Dragon skull is a little .... big ... but... I'm sure I can make it work. 

After I was able to align the skull I started re-building the armor plating I had to cut away.  It's very much a W.I.P. at the moment but... I think it will work in the end. 

Aaaaand, while waiting for green stuff to cure I started painting up 
Big Mek Rusty Whotnotz

Let's see what I can accomplish today!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Order - Build! Build! Build!

I've generated 4 more new objectives in line with the objective secured missions in the 7th edition book.  I like making objectives because it's an easy way to convince myself to make scenery and it's fun.


Grav-Wave Generator

Booby Traps!

Targeting Relay

Aaaaand... last but not least.  While rooting around in my Bitz-Box I found the 2007 Games Day limited release Orc Warboss!  Forgot I had him ....  I thought he'd make an excellent Ork Big Mek so I set about modifying him.  

Introducing... Big Mek Rusty Wotnotz!!  

Equipped with a "Power Klaw", Boss Pole, 'Eavy Armor, Da' Fixer Upperz and a bucket of attitude!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Finished Knight!!

I'm super happy with the way it came out!
These colors aren't exactly true.. it looks a little darker in person.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Imperial Knight Progress!!

I'm ready to start adding decals and then some battle damage.  I'm not sure how much damage I am going to add yet.
So far... it's looking pretty.